Site map An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description. Policy and reporting EU and global marine policies MSFD reports and assessments Assessments by regions Europe's seas MSFD Biodiversity status (based on MSFD 2nd cycle) MSFD Pressures status (based on MSFD 2nd cycle) Human Activities causing pressures Solutions for protecting and restoring Europe's seas EU Mission “Restore our Oceans and Water” Countries and Regions Country Profiles Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden Regional Sea Conventions Helsinki Convention Barcelona Convention Bucharest Convention OSPAR Convention Resources MSFD reporting data and tools MSFD expert dashboards MSFD reporting data explorer MSFD spatial reference datasets Other marine-policies data and tools Expert dashboards on marine features under other policies Other data infrastructures and tools Marine Litter Watch Web Report European and regional indicators Map viewer