

Marine waters

This map draws on information provided by the Member State to represent its marine waters, according to Article 3(1) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC). This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered as the official boundary delimitation between neighboring countries. Jurisdictional borders are the sole responsibility of Member States. The European Commission and European Environment Agency have no responsibility on this matter.

Marine waters in km2

Adriatic Sea 55,492

Croatia is part of the following Regional Sea Convention(s):

Marine waters per country

40.5% of the total country area (land & marine)

Marine waters per capita

1.36 ha per capita
Choose a country
Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden

To which extent Croatia achieved Good Environmental Status (GES) in its Marine Waters for the “State” Descriptors?

Results of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive assessments of Good Environmental Status reported under Article 8 in 2018

Croatia has assessed the environmental status of a number of features per descriptor under MSFD Article 8, updated in 2018. The dashboard shows the assessment results of the MSFD "State" Descriptors and features where the Good Environmental Status has been achieved, not yet achieved or not assessed (including unknown and not relevant).

More info on MSFD Art.8

To which extent Croatia achieved Good Environmental Status (GES) in its Marine Waters for the “Pressure” Descriptors?

Results of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive assessments of Good Environmental Status reported under Article 8 in 2018

Croatia has assessed the environmental status of a number of features per descriptor under MSFD Article 8, updated in 2018. The dashboard shows the assessment results of the MSFD "Pressure" Descriptors and features where the Good Environmental Status has been achieved, not yet achieved or not assessed (including unknown and not relevant).

More info on MSFD Art.8

What the assessments of conservation status and trend of the marine habitats and species are reporting for Croatia?

Results of the assessments required by the Habitats Directive under Article 17 for the period 2013-2018

The dashboard presents the latest assessments’ results about the status and status and trend  of species populations and of habitats at the level of the biogeographical or marine region Croatia belongs.

More info on Habitats Directive Art.17

How is the Ecological status of transitional, coastal and territorial waters for Croatia?

Reported under the Water Framework Directive, 1st (2010) and 2nd (2016) River Basin Management Plans

Ecological status is a composite assessment of the quality surface water ecosystems. It shows the combined impact of pressures such as pollution, habitat degradation and climate change.
This dashboard displays the Ecological status of the transitional and coastal waters of Croatia as assessed in the context of the first and second River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

More info on Surface Water Ecological Status

How is the Chemical status of transitional, coastal and territorial waters for Croatia?

Reported under the Water Framework Directive, 1st (2010) and 2nd (2016) River Basin Management Plans

Chemical status is defined as either: ‘Good’ or ‘Failing to achieve Good’, depending on concentrations of priority substances exceed the relevant EQS established in the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/105/EC, as amended by the Priority Substances Directive 2013/39/EU).

This dashboard displays the Chemical status of the transitional and coastal waters of Croatia as assessed in the context of the first and second River Basin Management Plans  (RBMPs) required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

More info on Surface Water Chemical Status

Which is the Status of the bathing water quality in Croatia?

Reported every year under the Bathing Water Directive

The bathing waters sites are monitored under the Bathing Water Directive in regards to the values of two microbiological parameters (Intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli) and the results are reported on a yearly basis to the European Commission. Where a bathing water is classified as 'poor', Member States should take measures such as banning bathing or advising against it, providing information to the public, and taking suitable corrective actions. The dashboard displays the results reported by Croatia, where in 2021 most of the bathing waters were excellent or good.

More info on Bathing water quality in Europe