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See all EU institutions and bodiesThe Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has several reporting obligations through which the EU Member States have to inform the European Commission on the implementation of different Articles of the Directive. The data presented here were submitted by Countries via the Central Data Repository of the Eionet portal or via Reportnet 3, the new e-reporting platform for reporting environmental and climate data to the EEA. The data were quality controlled and imported into a central database hosted by the European Environment Agency and later reused for analysis and assessment purposes.
This MSFD data explorer offers a series of interfaces to explore and filter all the data reported under the different MSFD Articles reported by Member States from 2012 up to the present date. The data is also available for download.
Read more about the MSFD Articles
Article 4 - Marine Units
Geographical areas used by Member States for the implementation of the Directive compatible with the marine regions and subregions listed in the Directive.
Article 7 - Competent Authorities
Member States authority or authorities for the implementation of the Directive with respect to their marine waters.
Article 8 - Assessments
Assessments of Member States marine waters comprising: a) analysis of the essential features and characteristics, b) analysis of the predominant pressures and impacts, and c) economic and social analysis of the use of those waters.
Article 9 - Determination of good environmental status
Determination of the good environmental status of the Descriptors, for Member States marine waters and in respect of each marine region or subregion.
Article 10 - Establishment of environmental targets
Environmental targets and associated indicators for Member States marine waters to guide progress towards achieving good environmental status in their marine environment.
Article 11 - Monitoring programmes
Programmes established by Member States to monitor the environmental status of their marine waters.
Articles 13 & 18 - Programmes of measures & Progress of PoM
Measures to be taken in order to achieve or maintain good environmental status, and progress in the implementation of the programmes of measures.
Article 14 - Exceptions
Exceptions reported whenever good environmental status cannot be achieved.
Article 19.3 - Datasets used
Access to data resulting from the GES assessments and the monitoring programmes.